European Union & Euro
Country Name Area  (1000Ku) Population (Million) Language Capital Gross National Income GNI/  Person Currency 英語による名称
(Million US $) US-$
Vatican 0.00044 0.001 Latin, French, Italian No Euro State of the City of Vatican
Monaco 0.00149 0.030 Latin, French, Italian Monaco Euro Principality of Monaco
San Marino 0.06 0.030 Italian San Marino Euro Republic of San Marino
Malta 0.32 0.400 Maltese Language , English Valletta 3,559 9,200 Malta lira Republic of Malta
Andorra 0.47 0.070 Catalan, French, Spanish Andorra la vella Euro Principality of Andorra
Luxembourg 3 0.5 Luxembourgish、French, Germany Luxembourg 17,221 38,830 Euro Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Slovenia 20 2 Slovenian Ljubljana      (リュブリャナ) 19,551 9,810 トラル Republic of Slovenia
Belgium 31 10.3 French, Dutch, German Brussels 239,949 23,250 Euro Kingdom of Belgium
Switzerland 41 7.2 German, French, Italian, Romansh Bern 274,157 37,930 CHF Swiss Confederation
The Netherlands 42 16.1 Dutch Amsterdam 386,774 23,960 Euro Kingdom of the Netherlands
Denmark 43 5.4 Danish Copenhagen 162,743 30,290 DKK Kingdom of Denmark
Estonia 45 1.3 Estonian Tallinn 5,605 4,130 クローン Republic of Estonia
Slovakia 49 5.4 Slovak Bratislava 21,377 3,950 コルナ Slovak Republic
Latvia 65 2.3 Latvian Riga 8,134 3,480 ラッツ Republic of Latvia
Lithuania 65 3.4 Lithuanian Vilnius 12,715 3,660 リタス Republic of Lithuania
Ireland 70 4 English, Irish Dublin 92,552 23,870 Euro Ireland
Czech Republic 79 10.2 Czech Prague 56,717 5,560 コルナ The Czech Republic
Austria 84 8.1 German Vienna 190,400 23,390 Euro Republic of Austria
Portugal 92 10.1 Portuguese Lisbon 108,709 10,840 Euro Portuguese Republic
Hungary 93 9.9 Hungarian Budapest 53,702 5,280 フォリント Republic of Hungary
Greece 132 11 Greek Athens 123,906 11,660 Euro Hellenic Republic
United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 243 59.3 English London 1,486,194 25,250 GBP United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Italy 301 57.4 Italian Rome 1,097,943 18,960 Euro Republic of Italy
Poland 323 38.6 Polish Warsaw 176,616 4,570 ズウォティ Republic of Poland
Norway 324 4.5 Norwegian Oslo 171,770 37,850 NOK Kingdom of Norway
Finland 338 5.2 Finish, Swedish Helsinki 122,231 23,510 Euro Republic of Finland
Germany 357 82.5 German Berlin 1,870,383 22,670 Euro Federal Republic of Germany
Japan 378 127.7 Japanese Tokyo 4,265,616 33,550 \ Japan
Sweden 450 8.9 Swedish Stockholm 221,508 24,820 SEK Kingdom of Sweden
Spain 506 41.1 Spanish Madrid 594,114 14,430 Euro Spain
France 552 60.1 French Paris 1,342,735 22,010 Euro French Republic
日本国 378 127.7 日本語 東京 4,265,616 33,550 Japan
欧州連合〔EU〕)(15カ国)(注1) (3,243)(注2) (380.000) 英語、独語、仏語等11カ国語 8,057,363 ユーロ(注3) (European Union)
EU 加盟国カメイコク    